
Keyword Search

  • Is there a supervision CEU for CSW's?

    Yes. The Kentucky Board of Social Work is now offering a supervision CEU for CSW's. Check it out here.​ As of March 15, 2022, this CEU will be required for all CSW's in supervision. Once you complete the CEU, you will receive a certificate via email in 5-7 days.


  • Do I repeat the Dometic Violence training course when I obtain another category of licensure?

    No. A licensee completes the training course one time, the DV course does not have to be repeated again.

    For example, If you were licensed as a CSW and take the course then you become an LCSW then you will not need to repeat the course again in the new license cagetory for renewal.


    Continuing Education

  • Are there any pre-approved sponsors and providers when it comes to submitting CEUs?

    Yes. See 201 KAR 23:075, Section 3​.

    1. Any of the Colleges of Social Work in Kentucky (all are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education);
    2. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) (or Kentucky Chapter);
    3. Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB);
    4. Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) (or the Kentucky Society of Clinical Social Workers);
    5. Any of the following national associations or their affiliated state chapters: American Psychological Association (APA); American Counseling Association (ACA); National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC); and American Psychiatric Association (APA).

    Please note: These sponsors or providers are not approved for the KY Social Work Ethics course or the LCSW Supervision Training course; these courses have to be pre-approved by the KY Board of Social Work. Please check our approved listing from our website. The courses will have a KBSW approval number on the certificate upon completion.

    Continuing Education

  • What is the pre-approval process for CEs?

    The board approves CE courses on various topics and assigns an approval number (KBSW#), including courses on Ky. Social Work Ethics and LCSW Supervision.​

    Continuing Education

  • Is there a limit for online CEs?

    Continuing Education

  • If I take a face-to-face ethics course on the NASW Code of Ethics, does this satisfy the board’s requirement for Kentucky Social Work ethics?

    No. The three (3) hours of CE are required on the Kentucky Code of Ethical Conduct established in 201 KAR 23:080 – a course on the NASW Code of Ethics will not meet this requirement. You can take the NASW course as an elective for credit toward your continuing education hours, but it will not count toward this requirement.​

    Continuing Education

  • Can continuing education hours (CEU) roll over to my next renewal period?


    Continuing Education

  • How many continuing education hours (CEU) are required for renewal?

    LCSW: Thirty (30) hours, CSW: Thirty (30) hours, LSW: Fifteen (15) hours​.

    Continuing Education

  • Where can I find a pre-approved supervisor near my location?

    A list of approved LCSW supervisors can be viewed here. [PDF, 375KB]


  • I can work part-time in a clinical social work position but it’s less than 20 hours per week, do I still need a supervision contract?

    Yes, but you cannot count the hours under supervision if you work less than 20 hours per week.​


  • Do I have to be employed at an agency to earn my LCSW supervision hours or can I be an independent contractor?

    You have to be an employee with Social Security and taxes withdrawn from your paycheck – as a CSW who is practicing clinical social work, you are in "training" and you cannot practice as an independent therapist until you complete the supervision and are licensed as a LCSW by the board. You can be a full-time (minimum of 30 hours per week) or part-time employee (minimum of 20 hours per week).​, NOT a 1099 contract employee. Talk with the HR department where you intend to work and tell them that you cannot be a 1099 employee. Any supervision hours will not count if you are a 1099 contract employee.​


  • Does my supervisor have to send anything to the board?

    Your supervisor(s) should complete and mail the supervision experience documentation form (link) so the board can approve and document your hours under supervision.​


  • As a Supervisor, what do I have to send the board if I am leaving my job?

    You or your approved supervisor(s) can mail a termination letter to the board explaining the reason for termination (I’m moving out of state; I am taking a new job; my supervisor of record is changing (quitting, retiring, etc.).​ All your supervisees must concur with termination and have new contracts with a new supervisor. Termination notice with supervisees must have a 30 day notice.​


  • When do I need a new contract?

    A new contract needs to be submitted for board approval when you change your 1) clinical practice setting or 2) supervisor of record.​


  • How much time will it take to get my supervision contract approved?

    Average time is three weeks once all the required documents have been received. Kentucky law allows the board ninety (90) days. Link to Section 8 (5)​. but we do our best to get it reviewed and approved as quickly as possible. You can now email them to the Executive Director and there is no fee.


  • Can I meet with my supervisor of record for MORE than two hours during every two weeks for individual supervision?

    Yes. The minimum is two (2) hours during every two (2) weeks of clinical social work practice, but you can arrange more hours. Keep in mind that a LCSW is two year’s post master’s experience for full time (30 hours), or three years post master’s experience for part-time practice. Also, k​eep in mind that a CSW must be licensed for two years full time (30 hours), or three years part-time practice before applying to take the LCSW exam.


  • How many hours of supervision do I have to complete for a LCSW license?

    Supervision must total a minimum of 150 hours, which shall include individual supervision of not less than two (2) hours during every two (2) weeks of clinical social work practice.​


  • I don’t know what it means to have 60% in direct client-professional relationship?

    Depending upon whether you are working full-time or part-time, at least 60% of your work per week must be directly working with your clients.​


  • Can the "Notice to the Client" be hung up on the wall in my office?

    Yes. If a CSW is practicing under supervision of a LCSW, the CSW is required to notify in writing each client during the period of the supervision. The board has determined that hanging the notice on the wall of the office meets the requirement. Please find the form on our website: bsw.ky.gov/forms/supervision forms/notice to client.​


  • What are the qualifications for an approved LCSW supervisor?

    An approved LCSW supervisor has to be:

    1) licensed for two (2) years as a clinical social worker;
    2) has to take an approved 6 hours LCSW Supervision training course every renewal period and;
    ​3) send a paper request to the board or submit it online.​​​​
    4) take a 3 hour renewal course every renewal period.​



  • Can a CSW practicing clinical social work in Kentucky receive supervision outside of Kentucky?



  • I’ve taken my Clinical exam and passed, can I stop meeting with my supervisors?

    No. You must remain under supervision from the time you are approved to take the exam until your new license is issued by the Kentucky Board of Social Work.​ Once you pass the exam, follow the steps in your approval notice or contact the board for your next steps. Note: your supervisor must complete and send in the one page continued supervision after approval of the exam form to the board. It can be found on the forms tab. 


  • What do I need to do become an LCSW in Kentucky?

    Two (2) years plus 150 hours of supervision by an approved licensed clinical social worker (licensed a minimum of two years) - your supervisors will need to complete the ​Supervised Experience Documentation Form or d​ocuments that show you have been licensed in another state at the clinical level or your resume that shows you have been engaged in the ​active practice of clinical social work for five (5) years. Example: official job description(s) signed by the executive director, human resource director, or agency supervisor where the clinical social work services were provided. We will also accept letters of recommendation documen​ting the type of services you have provided in the clinical practice, and letters confirming that you are an approved provider for an insurance company or Medicaid.​​​

    Apply for Licensure

  • What does it mean when I have to send something that is "official" like a transcript or ASWB Score Report?

    1. Official Transfer Score Report. If you took the ASWB exam in another state, the required report is called an “Official Transfer Score Report.” You contact ASWB to have them send that directly to us. It must come directly from them. The website is aswb.organd their Customer Service telephone number is 888-579-3926.
    2. Official Transcript. Only submit the Official Transcript from your university that confers or awards your degree in Social Work. You will contact your university and have them send it directly to us. It must come directly from your school. 
    3. Official Verification of License (from each state where you hold a social work license). You can get an Official Verification of License by contacting each state board where you hold a license. These must be sent directly to us from the state board office.

    Apply for Licensure

  • Does Kentucky accept the ASWB Advanced Generalist exam category?

    ​No, Kentucky does not accept the ASWB Advanced Generalist exam category.

    Apply for Licensure

  • I took the ASWB exam, will Kentucky give me credit for that exam or do I have to take it again?

    Kentucky accepts the ASWB exam categories for Bachelor, Masters and Clinical categories of the exam.​

    Apply for Licensure

  • Does Kentucky have reciprocity with any other states?

    No, not at this time.​

    Apply for Licensure

  • I am a social worker licensed by another state. How do I apply for a Kentucky license?

    Click here to submit an online application​.​

    If you prefer, visit our Forms page and complete the license application and send the required application fee to our office​. Note: On Line 5, state your current employment (does not have to be social work related); please read under line 5 to provide the correct documents. If unemployed please don’t leave blank. If you only need a license for a temporary amount of time to ensure transition of your client to a KY social worker; you can apply for a temporary permit to practice for up to 90 days. That application can be found on the forms tab and must be mailed to the office for review.

    Apply for Licensure

  • Can I send an application for exam and temporary permit at the same time?

    Y​es, just ensure you have all required documents attached for both the application and the temporary permit. Both will be held in pending status until all documents are received.

    Temporary Permits

  • How do I apply for a Non-Clinical or Clinical Temporary Permit?

    1. You must have an approved application on file with your official transcript showing your degree awarded. Note: the official transcript must be sent directly from your university to the board office
    2. You must send in a completed request for temporary permit form; (it can be found above or on the forms tab)
    3. You must be employed and send in a signed job description; and
    4​. You must be in supervision with a licensed social worker (CSW or LCSW) as your supervisor

    Temporary Permits

  • What if I haven't completed my continuing education courses?

    You can request a six (6) month extension of time.​

    Note: After your license is reinstated, you will still have to take the required hours of continuing education for the next​ renewal period.


  • How many continuing education hours are required for reinstatement?

    ​LSW: 15
    CSW & LCSW: 30


  • How do I reinstate an expired social work license in Kentucky?

    If the license has been expired for three (3) months or less:

    • Stop practicing social work immediately
    • Submit a renewal application as soon as possible
    • Fees will be assessed in the app

    If the license has been expired for three (3) months or more:

    • Stop practicing social work immediately
    • Submit a reinstatement application to the office
    • Send a $25 application fee (nonrefundable)
    • Once reviewed, you will get an email letting you know what else is needed and a link to pay the reinstatement fee and license fee


  • I am not licensed in Kentucky, but I want to apply to be a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) - what do I need to do?

    1. Go to the Online Application and complete the application
    2. Licensed at the Master’s level for a minimum of two (2) years of full time post-master’s experience, consisting of at least thirty (30) hours per week, or (3) years of part-time, consisting of at least twenty (20) hours per week.
    3. Supervised Experience Documentation form completed by each supervisor that you received supervision from while licensed in the other state(s). If you have been licensed in Kentucky as a CSW then you do not need to submit your Official Transcript conferring your Master’s Degree in Social Work.

    Apply for Licensure

  • Can I apply to take the ASWB exam before I graduate?

    Yes, 6 weeks before graduation. You will need to attach your unofficial transcript to your application. When you pass the exam, you will not receive a license until your official transcript showing your degree awarded arrives in the office directly from your school. 

    Apply for Licensure

  • How much money do I send in with my application?

    Once you have all your documents together, attach a $25 check or money order payable to the KY State Treasurer and mail to 125 Holmes Street, Suite 310, Frankfort, KY 40601​.

    Apply for Licensure

  • What if I leave something out of my application packet?

    Your application will be incomplete, and that will delay processing your application. If you have not received an email from the Board staff within 6 weeks; you can call or email the office to check on the status of your application.

    Apply for Licensure

  • How do I apply to be a social worker in Kentucky?

    We recommend you apply online here.

    If you prefer, visit our Forms page, complete the license application, and send the required application fee to our office. Note: On Line 5, state your current employment (does not have to be social work related); please read under line 5 to provide the correct documents. If unemployed please don’t leave blank.

    Apply for Licensure

  • What if I want to practice clinical social work but I’m not a LCSW?

    1. You will need to be licensed has a CSW in Kentucky;
    2. Be employed at an agency with Social Security and taxes withdrawn from your paycheck;
    3. Be supervised by an approved supervisor under a supervision contract approved by the board.​

    License Renewal

  • What if my ASWB unofficial score report was lost or stolen?

    ​Send a cover letter stating explaining the situation along with other items to finish your licensure process. Please note: processing will take longer since we have to take other steps to recover the Official Score Report from ASWB.​​​

    License Renewal

  • I passed my exam but lost my approval letter. How do I get my license?

    Please mail the following to the board at 125 Holmes Street, Suite 310, Frankfort, KY 40601 or send an email to board staff to let them know and they will guide you on the next steps:

    1. A copy of your unofficial score report given to you on the day that you pass the exam;
    2. Initial licensure fee of $75.00(LSW), $125(CSW), $200(LCSW) check or money order, payable to KY State Treasurer;
    3. The Continued Supervision Form needs to be submitted for the LCSW license process only.​

    License Renewal

  • How long is the approval process after all my items are received by the office?

    ​The initial licensing process can take four to six weeks. But once all items are received; you will recieve an email requesting the license fee payment and once payment is received the license will be issued in 3 to 5 days.​

    License Renewal

  • I have passed my exam, what do I do next to get my license?

    If you have applied for licensure online, have been approved, and have just passed your ASWB exam, visit our Initial License Payment system.​

    License Renewal
